This week we are analyzing Eisner and Thompson similarities as storytellers. In Will Eisner approach he tries to implement his personal memories and experiences in Contract with God. In Eisner's Blankets, he also is telling highly personal stories relating to their real life. They use real people and real emotions to develop their stories that they tell. I think this is why both are so successful. Both styles are very similar and different, we can see that both explore and use lots of black lines and depressing tones. The figures are more simplified in Blankets, Whereas Contract with God had more detailed figures. These comics are depressing stories about victims that jump back and forth between stories. I also like how both have seasons they both particularly favor like snow in Blankets and rain in Contract with God. Both comics are questioning god and religion. They ask the question: If I'm a good person then why am I punished? They ask these question whenever something unfortunate and out of their control happens. They both at points discuss racism even, with hateful remarks. Will Eisner believes that this medium is a new literary form that is just told with drawings. It's interesting that a there is so much stigma against graphic novels and comics. Of course, Thompson's comic seems to take place more towards modern day, that graphic novels still have some stigma but are more accepted. Reading both thoroughly, I think Blankets felt more natural. Probably because the length is longer and the interesting visuals.I feel and can relate to a lot of the imagery and story elements that are brought up, as someone who has similar situations happen, or at least feeling. In Blankets, I can understand what it's like to be an artist, and to care about others. The thoughts of childhood and growing up to be an adult through experiences.

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